Friday, May 26, 2006

typical afternoon in the dorm

more radial glow

fid and amy rock


amy in front of the last bonfire

amy...doing the dishes at my house???

qualls & kira

shadow, and her beloved dock

boots and jeans

just cool, too

house corner

i love radial luminosity


i think of wilco's being there when i see this pic...

one of my favorite pics ever

after an all-night, i mean all-night, phone call with amy. about 6AM

interesting... "false conceptions..."

crack book

gaelyn enjoying kira knightley

most likely talking to amy ;)

scott at the pinnacle

up at the pinnacle, west pinnacle view

up at the pinnacle, pt. 2 (berea skyline)

up at the pinnacle, pt.4

hiking up the pinnacle

light ying-yang

late night philosophy paper production

i fucking lost that hemp bracelet--over a year i had it on



I-64, before morehead

the barn

the abode

january hike around the property

my favorite ale...oh, and only