Friday, May 27, 2005

that would be me

i love my guitar--more than some people (but not more than my crew)

amy seemed to like this picture of my guitar
This is what happens when you give amy your camera. A journey to pullman square with myself, amy, boyd, and zip...three guys, a girl, and a movie place...

eek! (click to enlarge all)

these are the only two pictures i took the whole night--the rest are all mes amy

amy's blue, da ba diba

the nice concession lady at pullman

don't forget your towel

crack kills...cigarettes kill...i see a correlation here

"what's a skyline?"

a mighty feat, or foot rather

need i say more?

handling the wall

i still...just don't know

i...i just don't know

so true. amy, aflac

we're all just brick's in the...road

we're all just mannequins, really

the pits

toe a la amy

drive-by shooting in downtown huntington

divine nectar

explosion in amy's eye